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Life of Forever: The Dreams Trilogy: 3

Life of Forever - Beth Bares I finally got around to reading Life of Forever, the final book in The Dreams Trilogy. These books have always been pretty special to me because the author, Beth Bares, asked me to review the first book a while back and so I ended up reading and reviewing the whole trilogy. Also I've always said I really like these covers and the titles. They're simple covers but I think they're just gorgeous. I love them. The same goes for the titles. So overall I'm really glad I got to chance to reads these books.

The Book started with a really great prologue (everyone who knows me just a little bit must know I love prologues in books and Beth Bares always writes really good ones!) where we found out how Elizabeth came to her adoptive parents when she was a baby. I loved reading and finding out about that. Very nicely done!
As the current story continues, Elizabeth is still struggling with being apart from Andrew even when she's still madly in love with him and being mad at James for being in a relationship with Gabrielle after everything she did.
I was kind of frustrated myself by James before it seemed like he was choosing Gabrielle over Elizabeth, who's been his friend for so long, but I was glad when Elizabeth got to her senses and realized that if she didn't want to loose James she should accept that he loves Gabrielle and is going to be with her. I was glad for that.

I liked the overall story, I'm was very satisfied with the ending. It was really beautiful. And I was glad to see it all end in a good way (not that I was expecting a bad ending but you never know with books!).
But my favorite aspect in this book (and pretty much the whole trilogy) was the romance. Yes, the romance was amazing. Loved it. And that ending, so romantic!
But I must say that some parts were a little confusing to me though in the end that wasn't as important when the rest of the story, the characters, the romance was so nicely done.

All in all, Life of Forever by Beth Bares was a great conclusion to The Dreams Trilogy. I loved reading it and this last book was my favorite of the bunch. It had some flaws but that was easily overlooked when looking at the overal novel. It was romantic, easy to read, a great pacing and fantastic characters. A very good ending to a good paranormal romance series and still a very nice take on immortals.