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Spirit (Elemental)

Spirit - Brigid Kemmerer I was so thrilled when I got this book early for review. The Elemental series has been my favorite since last year when I read the first one, Storm. However, the second one, Spark I didn't like too much so I didn't know how I would feel about Spirit. I did hear good things about it, like that it has more action and a shocking plot so I had good hopes for it. And, boy, were they ALL true! Spirit was amazing!

Hunter has a lot going on. Everyone seems to be gunning for his head. The Merrick brothers, his grandfather, that psycho bitch Calla, who's planning awful things to do to try to draw the guides to town. Everyone. Then a new girl arrives in school, Kate. She's different but Hunter isn't sure if he can trust her, if she's playing him or not. And then shit hits the fan...

So. Hunter. Damn, that boy. I didn't even know how much was going on inside his head. He has so much issues with trusting people, which is understandable the way everyone lies to him. Most of the time I wanted to just jump inside the book and try to hug and comfort him. Not that he would allow it. He doesn't let anyone get close. I was surprised by how much I loved being inside his head and seeing his way on things. I love male point of views but his is exellent.
Right from the start I knew that Spirit was going to be nothing like Spark, which I didn't love like I did Storm. Brigid Kemmerer did say there would be more action and there was. I freaking loved it! I actually read this book in barely two days. That only happens when I really, really like a book. It was a total win!

Beside Hunter, there were a lot of other characters. Of course we have the Merrick brothers, who we all adore and love. I especially loved Michael (but then again when do I not? He's my favorite Merrick). I love how he took Hunter in when life decided to crap on his head once again. He really took care of him. I also love Gabriel and Hunter's bromance even though it was a little broken but I hope now that they will pick up where they left off. I only wished Hunter saw from the start how the Merricks weren't going to betray or just leave him.
Then there was Calla, who we already read about in Spark. Bitch is crazy, I say! Seriously psycho...
And we also had some new folks into town. Kate and Silver. I liked them. Well, as far as you can like the guides who want to come kill elementals. I didn't necessarily like Silver all that much. He was also kind of psycho. But I do dig him name.
Kate was a while different story. You can probably be guess Kate is the girl the other point of view is about. In all books the boys are finding a girl, as you might know. So it isn't surprising when Hunter and Kate get a little closer. I wasn't too sure if I liked Kate or not. I didn't know what to think of her. She was bold, a little too confident but as the book progressed we saw that it was all jusr an act and inside she's just a girl. It was then that I really begun to like her. And even the romance scene with her and Hunter were kind of steamy, in young adult style of course. Naturally, Ms. Kemmerer had to kick me back to reality with that shocking plot! I tell ya, I didn't expect it at all. And that doesn't mean it was bad or anything. I mean, what happened was bad but in the way of shocking turn of events it was awesome. I haven't read too much books lately where it took me complete by surprise.

So I said before there was more action, right? There was and it was great. Kemmerer can really write an action scene. And her writing hasn't been more excellent than with Spirit, in my eyes. Since I read this book in only two days I pretty much didn't do anything but read. I hung on every word of this book. Gasping at the turn of events and crying when things got sad. Hunter just got all under my skin with his amazingness. I really felt for him throughout all the book. He didn't deserve what happened. *starts sobbing again*
Anyway... I couldn't be more happy with the way this book turned out. It was so good and I hope Brigid Kemmerer keeps up the good work. But I think she will.

Overall Spirit was more than I could hope for with its action packed scenes, pretty hot romance (for a YA book) and exciting turn of events. Brigid Kemmerer really has a way to make me care about her characters and in Hunter's case even cry for them. I can't wait to read more of this world and see where things are going. Nick's full book is up next year and I must say I cannot wait for him and Adam to happen. I should also recommend Nick's novella, Breathless for everyone. It was superb!
Please more of this awesomeness, Ms. Kemmerer, more! =D