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The Runaway Queen (Bane Chronicles, The)

The Runaway Queen - Cassandra Clare, Maureen Johnson photo tumblr_inline_miu5l51ekd1qz4rgp_zps2d1850f4.gif


Oh so many feels! I totally loved The Runaway Queen. I liked it even more than What Really Happened in Peru. I didn't think it was possible but I had so much fun reading it. Monkeys (yet again... well, just one!) Balloons and vampire parties this time!
This time were in la France! Duren the French revolution. Oh yes. It's no wonder Magnus feels so at home in France at that time because the people there are all into all the newest fashion. The crazier the better! I loved how Marie Antoinette was written into this story and of course the vampires! And let's not forget the blue-eyed cutie, Axel! No wonder Magnus was so smitten by him. *le sigh*
And of course Magnus himself was his fabulous self as always. I love him even more now. Can't wait for the next story! So excited! =D

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